Showing posts with label Must Reads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Must Reads. Show all posts
The Ebola outbreak is currently being faced in 6 African countries and researchers say there could be more

A new Oxford University model has attempted to make sense of the current Ebola outbreak due to the fact that the disease had never been witnessed in West Africa before now.
The model, published in the journal eLife, suggests that “Ebola's animal reservoir, fruit bats, could spread the disease in the animal kingdom and to humans through the dense forest that spans 22 countries.”
These African countries are mostly at risk because of their consumption of bats, monkeys and other animals as "bush meat".
The consumption of cooked bush meat is not likely to cause infection but the preparation of the raw meat increases the likelihood of contracting the disease.
According to the Oxford prediction, these countries are at risk of animal-to-human transmission of Ebola by virtue of their geography:
  1. Nigeria
  2. Cameroon
  3. Central African Republic
  4. Ghana
  5. Liberia
  6. Sierra Leone
  7. Angola
  8. Togo
  9. United Republic of Tanzania
  10. Ethiopia
  11. Mozambique
  12. Burundi
  13. Equatorial Guinea
  14. Madagascar
  15. Malawi.
The author of the study, Nick Golding, a researcher at Oxford University’s Department of Zoology said:
"Our map shows the likely ‘reservoir’ of Ebola virus in animal populations, and this is larger than has been previously appreciated,"
"This does not mean that transmission to humans is inevitable in these areas; only that all the environmental and epidemiological conditions suitable for an outbreak occur there.’"


These pregnancy rumours come at the heels of speculations that she may also be engaged

Michael Jackson's only daughter Paris Jackson could be pregnant!

According to reports, paparazzi busted the 16-year-old on a dinner date with what they thought looked like a baby bump.

These pregnancy rumours come at the heels of speculations that she may also be engaged.

Paris was seen looking at engagement rings with her alleged boyfriend few weeks ago.

Paris returned home to her family in Los Angeles last July, after she tried to take her life almost a year back.

She has stayed away from the spotlight for the past year while attending therapeutic boarding school Diamond Ranch Academy in Utah.

She was spotted back in July 2014 in Los Angeles holding tight to a mystery male friend many think is her boyfriend.

President Goodluck Jonathan on Saturday in Abuja called on Nigerians to pray for the nation’s security forces to enable them to contain insecurity in the country.
Jonathan made the call at the inauguration of the “Citadel and Towers”, the new complex of the House on the Rock Church, Abuja.
Represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Akinwunmi Adesina, Jonathan, who also inaugurated the Churche’s Cathedral in Lagos, said both structures were architectural masterpieces.
“We understand the importance of faith-based organisations in building a strong, peaceful, resilient and prosperous nation; your work in this regard is highly commendable.
“Like the citadel, Nigeria is rising, my government is working hard, supported by your prayers and the results are evident.
“Today, Nigeria is the largest economy in Africa; we are producing more food than ever before.
“There are renewal of our rail systems, improvement of petrochemical and gas industries, expansion of construction of roads and other infrastructure.
“Modernisation of our airports, improvement of our educational and health systems are receiving major attention’’, he said.
According to him, together we are building a Nigeria of our dreams; a nation destined for greatness by God, to become a beacon of light to nations.
“Yes, we have our security challenges, but none of these things should discourage us, we are working very hard to address the insecurity in some parts of the nation.
“Our security forces are facing enemies of progress who do not want our nation to prosper; those who maim and destroy.
“We must all arise and pray for our security forces, we must be encouraged everyday and indeed when the enemy shall arise, the Lord will lift a mighty standard against him’’, he said.
He expressed gratitude for the prayers of the church for Nigeria, especially for people in government and for the vision for the new church complex.
Jonathan expressed optimism that great leaders would arise from the Church and other faith-based organisations to move the nation forward.
Pastor Paul Adefarasin of the House on the Rock Church, said true transformation required discipline, integrity, unity, commitment, clarity of purpose and sharpness of vision.
He said the citadel being inaugurated was synonymous with the Biblical nation builder Nehemiah and thus Nigeria must stand guard physically and spiritually.
He harped on the need for social justice and equity in the land.
“Today, we stand in one of such structures built to protect our land and deliver social justice to all; the Citadel and Towers epitomises contemporary 21st century architecture.
“It behoves on us to remember the reason for which the citadel was birthed; this edifice has been prayerfully fashioned as a place of refuge.
“This centre is inspired by a clear understanding of the strategic role of faith based organisations as partners in national development.
“Government alone cannot be left to do the business of building our nation; we must all become veritable vehicles for the actualisation of social justice”, he said.
He said education cannot be overemphasised as a tool for national transformation and the church must play its role.
L-R:General Manager, Rivers State Newspaper Corporation, Mr Celestine Ogolo, Head of Technical Services Division, Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency, Mitchell Alamina and General Manager, Human Resources and Administration, RSSDA, Tonye Sukubo, during the 2014 Annual Media Report in Port Harcourt, last Friday. Photo: Egberi Sampson
L-R:General Manager, Rivers State Newspaper Corporation, Mr Celestine Ogolo, Head of Technical Services Division, Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency, Mitchell Alamina and General Manager, Human Resources and Administration, RSSDA, Tonye Sukubo, during the 2014 Annual Media Report in Port Harcourt, last Friday. Photo: Egberi Sampson

Nigerian Prophet T.B. Joshua gave another surprising revelation in his church service on Sunday 7th August 2014, specifically calling for prayer for Pope Francis of the Catholic Church, as well as prophesying an imminent hijacking of a plane by ‘militants’.

“There is a very big religious leader,” Joshua began, describing the said person as a ‘father’ figure, widely respected across different religions.

“I have been praying for him,” he continued, adding that he received an alarming ‘vision’ concerning him the prior day.

“They should pray for him,” Joshua proceeded, although not specifying which area people should direct their prayer towards. “The clergyman I am talking about is the Pope,” he then clarified.

Continuing, Joshua prophetically warned of a plane being hijacked by ‘militant’ forces in a dramatic scene that would result in ‘breaking news’ worldwide.

“They will attempt to enter a plane,” the cleric declared. “You will hear ‘Breaking News’ of a hijacker inside the plane that carried the plane from its original direction to another direction.”

“We should pray so that it will not just end like that and we learn that there’s a crash,” he said, seemingly referring to the infamous Al Quaeda attack against America on September 11th 2001 where four commercial planes were hijacked by the terrorists.

“This is another big attempt they want to do,” Joshua warned, soliciting heightened security checks in airports worldwide to avert the impending disaster.

Last week, T.B. Joshua gave a widely reported prophecy concerning ‘approaching’ world events.

He said he had a vision of US President Barack Obama being rushed to hospital with a health challenge, another plane crash in the region around Russia and Ukraine and a political crisis in Nigeria sparked by the murder of a ‘bigshot’.

Joshua reminded congregants of the prophecy, adding that the killing of al-Shabab’s spiritual leader Ahmed Abdi Godane by US forces in an airstrike on Monday showed ‘God’ was involved.

Joshua had specifically called for prayer for Kenya related to a ‘militant’ plan in place to attack a presidential figure in Southern Africa. 
A host of Nigerian bloggers, quick to post any rumour without elementary check, were at it again Monday, announcing with relish, the ‘death’, of famous, iconic Yoruba author, novelist and Nollywood script writer, Adebayo Faleti like they wrote a false news about Don Jazzy's death which he later debunked his death rumour (See).
On Nairaland, Nigeria’s leading site, one Marioking announced the author’s death at 11.10 a.m on Monday, and even went ahead to compose a poem  for him in a mix of Yoruba and English:
The exit of a cultural icon!
Gbogbo ọmọ Yorùbá ekú ìdèlé,
“Ẹyáşą kò dĂ©dĂ© bĂ  lè òrĂąlĂ©”
Adieu Baba Adebayo Faleti!!!

Thereafter, there were sympathetic comments, on the old man’s alleged transition. The rumour however was exploded by a statement from the Adebayo Faleti Foundation and a logger, who said he had spoken with a relation of Faleti, who confirmed that he is alive, ‘hale and hearty’.
“Adebayo Faleti is much alive, hale and hearty…..Please, let all bloggers be warned of false information that the renown Literary writer and Actor, Adebayo Faleti is dead all in the name of generating traffic…Any caught blogger will suffer legal penalty…Be warned of defamation of character….”, wrote the Foundation.
But the announcement had already gone viral and bloggers persisted in spreading the rumour. Olorisupergal  posted it,  announcing  that the 84 year old writer , died after some illness.” Veteran actor,poet and writer,Adebayo Faleti is dead”, the blogger reported. But as at this morning, the post has been  yanked off.
Some of the bloggers were however a bit cautious in reporting what turned out to be yet another wild rumour on the worldwide web.
Faleti, born  on  26 December 1930 in Agbooye in Oyo State, western Nigeria. He largely educated himself, as a young person, growing up. But  in 1966, he attended the University of Dakar in Senegal and obtained a Certificate of proficiency in French Language and Civilization. Two years later, he graduated from the University Of Ibadan, Nigeria with an honours degree in English. Later on in 1971, he attended the Radio Netherlands Training Center in Hilversum, Holland in 1971 and received a certificate in Television Production
He is a distinguished  poet, writer and author. He is also known for being a successful Yoruba translator, a broadcaster, TV exponent and a pioneer of the first television station in Africa, Western Nigeria Television (WNTV).  He has successfully published a dictionary that contains the formal or official use of Yoruba names. He has received many awards, both locally and internationally. His awards include the national honour, Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON)the Festival of Arts award with Eda Ko L’aropin (1995) and the Afro-Hollywood Award for Outstanding Performance in Arts (2002).
Joan Rivers passed away on September 4, 2014 at the age of 81. In her last major interview, the E! TV Fashion Police co-host spoke frankly with The Daily Beast back in July about Hollywood celebrities’ thin skins, contemplating suicide after her husband’s suicide, sex, dating, and her own mortality

Interesting read if you ask us #RIPJoanRivers

Joan Rivers: Oh, thank god, it’s been a long day. Go, go, go, anything you want to ask me, ask me. [To the waiter] I’m begging you: Please bring us some finger food.

Tim Teeman: Is Kristen Stewart suing you?

JR: I don’t think she’s suing me, I think she stopped it. Her lawyer called my lawyer and wanted the book to be taken from bookstores or a public apology and my lawyer—I love him so much—said, “Have you read the book, have you seen the disclaimer?” It’s a comedy book. I find it astonishing that people can read something and say, “Will the Kardashians really name their second baby, ’cause the first one is called North West, South East?”

TT: So, Stewart’s legal threat surprised you?

JR: I didn’t know who she was. She should have a sense of humor. It’s a shame as I wanted her in court and made to touch a doll in the parts where the director touched her.

TT: Who else have you upset with the book?

JR: Adele is I hear very upset, the Kardashians are very upset. The ones who aren’t upset are the smart ones who laugh at it and know it’s silly.

TT: Do celebrities approach you to tell you you’ve upset them?

JR: I made so many jokes about poor Russell Crowe, he once knocked on my dressing room door, and told me he wanted to go out on this chat show we were on to laugh with me. Now he’s ruined it. I can’t make another joke about him. Cher would get upset if I took her out of the act. She would come to see me in Vegas, and ask, “Why am I not in the act?” She understood that you’re only in the act if you’re relevant. I see the Kardashians at E! I always say, “Stay famous, or I’m going to lose seven to ten minutes of my act.”

TT: Do you know them well?

JR: I think the mother [Kris] is the smartest woman in world: She took the entire family, and now the next generation, and made them celebrities for doing nothing. I think that’s brilliant. I want to sit at her feet and take notes. I begged Melissa to do a sex tape. I said, “I’ll even hold the lube.” Melissa is such a princess. She said, “What will the thread count of the sheets be?”

TT: You mocked one up yourself with Ray J.

JR: Before I met him I thought he was a sleazeball, but Ray J turned out to be adorable. He was articulate, charming, full of a sense of humor.

TT: Why are Hollywood stars so sensitive?

JR: I love when they say I’ve crossed a line. On the scale of 1 to Osama bin Laden, I didn’t blow up buildings. I made a joke about Sharon Stone. I think sometimes celebrities believe their own publicity—that they really were a pizza waitress rather then being “discovered” on their knees in front of some producer. No one says no to them because they’re so spoilt. We have people on Fashion Police who come with lists of demands longer than Schindler’s List. I can’t say who.

TT: Do you expect cosseting yourself?

JR: I think “my people,” as they say, in quotes, try to shield me but I want to know. Comedians are in the trenches, the ones that get out of the trenches are ones in trouble. You cannot have dinner with Oprah and then do a joke about her and Gayle, so you’d better choose what side you’re on. I have no cosseting and protection, nor am I invited to the same parties. I’m always shocked when I get an invitation. People are always shocked when they see me at a party.

TT: So, regardless of your own riches…

JR: I have no riches.

TT: Come on, Joan, you are quite well off.

JR: No, I’ve always been salaried, I’ve never owned anything. I’ve done very well, lived very well. Sweetheart, I’m still working at Indian casinos in Omaha.

TT: You seem terrified of not working.

JR: With comedians, you’re as good as your last joke.

TT: Where does the fear come from?

JR: It being over, and I can’t get a job in Macy’s selling hats.

TT: You could live off your money?

JR: I don’t have money to do that. I could pull my living in and live OK, but I don’t want to live OK. I’m very happy to live in my penthouse, very happy I can pick up a check, very happy to have a great life, and be able to spread my wealth a little bit.

TT: You like pop culture?

JR: I love Vines. You make this 6.4-second drama, and you can reach 6 million viewers, and make people laugh. I find it so fabulous.

TT: Does being famous and being talked about matter to you?

JR: Yeah, it gives you friends. It’s good to have people all day long saying, “You make me happy, you make me laugh.” Fame is so wonderful. When my husband committed suicide, I was in Chicago. In the middle of the night at an airport someone told me they had lit a candle for me. How wonderful is that? Fame makes the whole world your neighbor. Fame gives you a great card to live your life and make it easier. Nancy Reagan [Rivers’ longtime friend] got Edgar’s body out of Philadelphia for me.

TT: Whaaat? How?

JR: Edgar killed himself in Philadelphia and I couldn’t get the body out of there. My daughter was going mad. I thought, “I’ll call the White House.” It was 2 a.m. there. I said, “It’s Joan Rivers and it’s an emergency. I must speak to Mrs. Reagan.” They woke her up.

TT: Seriously?

JR: You don’t forget this, honey-bunny. I said, “I can’t get Edgar’s body out of Philadelphia.” She said, “Let me see what I can do.” The next day, his body came back to L.A. You don’t ever forget that, especially when the chips are down. She’s older now. I’m going to California next week, and I’ll see her.

TT: You told me once you were furious with Edgar for killing himself. Does one ever recover from a partner or loved one’s suicide?

JR: I moved on to a point. I can’t really remember what Edgar was like. I lived with [banker and socialite] Orin Lehman for eight years, and can’t remember what he was like. You remember them but they all become fuzzy and wonderful. You no longer miss their sharp wit, you miss an idea. It changes tremendously and probably for the better.

TT: After Edgar died, you considered suicide yourself.

JR: Oh, absolutely. It was about eight months later. Melissa wasn’t talking to me, my career was in the toilet, I’d lost my Vegas contracts, I’d been fired from Fox [where she had a talk show]. Carson and NBC [she had appeared on the Tonight Show for years] had put out such bad publicity about me. I was a pariah. I wasn’t invited anywhere. I was a non-person. At one point I thought, “What’s the point? This is stupid.”
What saved me was my dog jumped into my lap. I thought, “No one will take care of him.” It wasn’t a friendly dog—only to me. I adored this dog. He was theoretically a Yorkie, his mother cheated. His name was Spike. He was the way you want your dog to be, devoted only to you. I was sitting in this big empty house in Bel Air, with a phone with five extensions which we no longer needed. I had the gun in my lap, and the dog sat on the gun. I lecture on suicide because things turn around. I tell people this is a horrible, awful dark moment, but it will change and you must know it’s going to change and you push forward. I look back and think, “Life is great, life goes on. It changes.”

TT: Do you ever think why Edgar did it [he overdosed on prescription drugs]?

JR: When I was fired, he knew it was his fault [he was her manager], and he committed suicide. I always think of Samson pulling down the temple. Edgar just took all the columns away and pulled it down. We were all down in the rubble, and he didn’t want to dig himself out. I understand it, and feel terribly sorry for him, but I wonder if I’d be sitting here today talking to you if he had not killed himself, if we wouldn’t have ended up just a very bitter couple in a house on the hill somewhere.

TT: Do you really think that?

JR: He would have said, “That’s it, they can all go to hell, and we’ll just pull ourselves in.” After he died, because there was nothing, I had to strike out again. A friend of mine at his funeral said, “He’s freed you.” I thought that was very interesting. And in a way he did, ’cause I had to really start again, thank god.

TT: You’ve had relationships since. Why did you and Orin Lehman break up?

JR: He cheated on me. His accountant called me. The lady he had been seeing had been making purchases using his money. The accountant thought it was me and was calling to tell me to go easy. I finished with him the very same day, which was stupid. He called me every single day for a year, but I was so hurt and so betrayed.

TT: Did you want to marry him?

JR: We didn’t want to marry. I still had six eggs left and thought, “Oh, I’ll just make an omelet.” He was a wonderful companion. He lived another three years after that. I miss someone saying, “I’m going downstairs now. Do you want a sandwich?”

TT: Did you reconcile before he died?

JR: Yes, to a point. I saw him a couple of times. When I see friends finishing a relationship I say, “Just be careful, don’t shut every door. What upsets you in July will not affect you that much in November.”

TT: How about dating now?

JR: No, the hotel is now closed completely. I look so bad in a bathing suit I kick sand in my own face. I’ve reached the point in my life where you think, “That’s it.”

TT: You don’t miss sex?

JR: You look at yourself and say, “How can you get a minus-44 dark room, pitch black and then some. Maybe if Stevie Wonder called I’d say “OK.”

TT: But you still get horny, right?

JR: Yes, but it’s not worth it. Old men have too many physical problems. And with younger men, as my mother always said, “You need to be the good-looking one.” I miss being able to say to someone after a party, “Can you believe what that person said?” But I’m not bitching. If life is 100 percent, I’ve got 90.

TT: Do men flirt with you?

JR: Yes, it’s the most disgusting thing when they say to an older woman, which I am, “How’s my gal doing?” Go fuck yourself, I’ve had more good times than you’ll ever know, so don’t you dare patronize me.

TT: You love your grandson Cooper very much.

JR: I’m crazy about him. He’s turning into good kid. He’s 13. He  broke his wrist—oh, it makes me cry—breaking up a fight between two friends. He’s such a good guy and he’s funny, thank you God. And we can laugh almost on an adult level. And it’s all due to Melissa, who is an amazing mother.

TT: And you and Melissa?

JR: We’re very close. We have nobody else: She has me and I have her. I think it’s going to be very difficult when I die, very hard for her.

TT: You think about your own death?

JR: Constantly. In your 80s, you’d be foolish not to think about that. I am definitely going to be cremated. I’ve left money so the dogs can be taken care of. I’ve said to Melissa, “Sell anything and everything you don’t want. Don’t feel beholden to my possessions.” I feel almost hysterical on that. I don’t want them to have a sense of guilt.

TT: How did you cope with your sister’s [Barbara Waxler] death last year?

JR: There goes your link to your childhood and she was the memory bank of our family. I have no one to call up and say, “Do you remember that time Daddy punched out our neighbor?” “Do you remember the time that Mummy bought the mink coat and didn’t tell Daddy?” I am trying to be a good “mother” to her children, but they’re in their 30s. We weren’t very close, but we were sisters. We fought, we made up. I miss not having “my sister.”

TT: You joke about celebrities on Fashion Police, but very noticeably not your co-hosts Kelly Osbourne and Giuliana Rancic, who are always in the tabloids—Kelly’s love life, Giuliana’s very thin body. Are they off-limits?

JR: We really like each other, and we’re very close. We close ranks. If someone isn’t nice to any of them, they’re dead in the water, fucked. Giuliana has the thinnest body, but she eats, she really eats, so what the hell are you going to yell at her about? I love Kelly, and as for her love life, I tell her to not do all this at 45, to get it out of her system now. What’s she got to lose? She’s young, successful, and pretty. This is the time to screw around.

TT: What about Melissa’s love life?

JR: I want to marry her off, so I know she’ll be taken care of. I’m worried about her.

TT: You mean, you dying and leaving her alone?

JR: Totally. Your child is never not your child. You can be 90 and your mother 120, but your mother is still worried about you. I worry about Melissa. I look at everyone who she dates and think, “That one’s not right, that one’s not right.” She’s dating a businessman in his mid-40s who wants to retire to Bali. He’s made his money. But her career (as a producer) is going so well. You look and think, “Somebody’s going to have to make a compromise here.” As long as she’s happy, I don’t care.

TT: What about you and retirement?

JR: Ha. Never. Do what? What fun is this, to wake up and say, “I don’t have a minute free today?” It’s fabulous. I had dinner last night with Barbara Walters, who’s an old friend, and looking forward to retirement. I said, “You’re crazy.” I bet Barbara, who is very driven, within two months will say, “Ooooh, I’ll do a special.” She told me, “I’m retired. I’m going to have lunch and enjoy myself, I’m going to travel.” I said, “Barbara, call me again in October.” It’s nonsense. What are you gonna do? Take your dog for a walk? You’re Barbara Walters, you don’t want to retire. You’re gonna watch one person on TV be an ass and say, “I could have done a better job.”

TT: What should they do with The View?

JR: Bring back Elisabeth, Joy, Barbara, Whoopi, and Sherri. Don’t fix what ain’t broke. I think they’ve blown it out of the water. It was perfect the way it was. Elisabeth represented America and conservatism. Joy was great with her funny remarks. Barbara gave it gravitas. She’d be a fool to go back unless ABC gave her a ton more money and a slice of the network.

TT: You don’t seem to slow down?

JR: It’s so exciting now. On In Bed With Joan I can say anything, there’s Twitter and Vine. This is what it was like when we went from radio to television. I feel we’re absolutely in the Wild West. It’s great.

TT: Which actress gives you the most material?

JR: Oh well, Gwyneth Paltrow, my little Gwennie-Wennie, and her two children, what is it…Apple and Sardine? Everything she says is wrong, and the arrogance… The Kardashians are the gift that keeps on giving. Just Kim’s wedding… I said I’d caught Kim’s bouquet, the first thing I ever caught from Kim that I didn’t have to get a shot of penicillin for. And Beyonce and Solange. Solaaannnggge. And Shia LaBeouf. I want to introduce him to Amanda Bynes…they’d get married but couldn’t hold hands during the vows because [Rivers is cackling] of the restraints in their jackets.

TT: You make a lot of jokes about the alleged sexuality of Tom Cruise and John Travolta.

JR: Tom Cruise’s tombstone is going to say, “Here lies Tom Cruise—allegedly.”

TT: Why are A-list stars still closeted?

JR: I think Ricky Martin did it right: Make your money and say, “Guess what, this is my partner.”
TT: But that shows the intolerance of Hollywood that you can’t be out as a star in your prime, rather than later.
JR: I know, but do you sacrifice your life for others?
TT: Well, very brave people who have fought for gay rights have sacrificed their lives for others.

JR: Good for them, I don’t know if I’d have gone that step if I were gay. If I were an actress and young teens loved me, would I have come out and said, “I hate young boys.” I don’t know. I work very hard for gay, lesbian, and transgender teens who’ve been kicked out of home. I get both sides. It’s very difficult.
[Rivers sees I haven’t eaten a caviar-splodged canapĂ©.]

JR: Eat the caviar, eat the caviar. Kenneth Battelle, one of my great hairdressers…he did Jackie [Kennedy], Barbra Streisand’s, and Gloria Vanderbilt’s hair in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Ladies would send him caviar and he hated caviar. He would call me up and say, “Jackie just sent me big thing of Petrossian. Ugh.”

TT: What do you want to do that you haven’t yet?

JR: Everything. I want to bring back [her 1994 Broadway show about Lenny Bruce’s mother] Sally Marr… and Her Escorts. I was nominated for a Tony for it, but lost out to Diana Rigg, that slut-whore-tramp who happened to do Medea, and I had no children to set on fire. Everyone kept telling me they’d voted for me. I really thought I was going to win. Bill Blass made a dress for me. But I say the same to everyone else now. Nobody’s going to vote for me now, I’m never going to win anything. I’m too abrasive. I’ve not been invited to the Vanity Fair [Oscars night] party. The woman who cleans my toilets gets invited to the Vanity Fair party. It’s hilarious. But I think comics should be on the outside. If you’re on the inside, it’s over.

TT: You’ve been rude about so many people.

JR: No. I told the truth. I don’t think it’s rude. I haven’t been invited to the White House since the Reagans were there. I’ve never been on Saturday Night Live.

TT: Why are you still an outsider?

JR: I don’t know.

TT: How do you feel about what’s happening in late-night talk shows now?

JR: It’s so full. If I did a show now, it would be in the late-late-late slot, between 3 and 4 a.m. I’d call it, Nobody’s Watching At That Time, So Go Fuck Yourselves.

TT: Why aren’t there women in the top hosting jobs?

JR: You need a strong personality to do that job. It’s not to do with male or female, but you’ve got to be tough yet soft, familiar yet in control. I also found it incredibly boring after a while. You have to ask the same questions of the same starlets all the time. “Did you have fun on set?” “What’s it like working in Rome?” [Rivers makes a snoring sound.]

TT: You need to go, I know. What advice have you given Cooper about girls?

JR: Don’t trust them. They’re very needy. Smack her below the collarbone, it won’t show up in court.
TT [horrified]: Joan, that’s… [Rivers laughs.]

TT: What does Cooper say when you say stuff like that?

JR: He knows my sarcasm. He just laughs. “My grandmother’s crazy.”

Diary of a Mad Diva is published by Berkley/Penguin; visit Rivers at

Music mogul Don Jazzy has addressed the story making rounds that he is dead!

The Marvin Records boss took to his Instagram Thursday morning, to post an article which announced and decribed his own death.

According to the article written by a certain 'Ogbonna Ikechukwu' for, Don Jazzy passed away after been rushed to a hospital because he suffered inhuries from a car accident. It read:

Breaking News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don Jazzy Dies In Car Accident!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Nigerian music industry has lost one of its greatest stars, and its MARVIN Boss Don Jazzy. He was involved in a car accident on the early hours of the morning. It has also be announced on MTV base, Channel O, Trace, Soundcity, E! Entertainment, Nigezie and all social medias. News report gathered that he was rushed to a near by hospital but gave up the ghost about an hour ago. O no! Marvin Boss is gone. May he r.i.p!!!!!!
Well, according to Don Jazzy, he never had an accident and he's still very much alive. He captioned his image on Instagram  with:
"May God continue to keep us alive and well. Amen. Well I am very much alive and have not been in any car accident I can remember. Thanks. #Marvins"
Do you think that was just a joke on Jazzy's life?
Former "X Factor" contestant Simone Battle's suicide has stunned her father ... who says the "G.R.L." singer never once let on that she was suffering as she got a taste of success in Hollywood.

Anthony Battle tells us he and his daughter hadn't spoke on the phone in a few weeks ... but they texted every day and she seemed to be doing just fine.

In fact, he says Simone was excited about where her career was heading. G.R.L. had recorded and released a song with Pitbull earlier this year.

We're told close friends of the 25-year old singer spoke with her via text the night before her death -- they also didn't sense anything was wrong.

When we asked Anthony if Simone was battling depression ... he said he was unaware of anything like that, but acknowledged ... "It's possible she may have had an invisible disability."

Anthony tells us Simone's boyfriend discovered her body in her bedroom ... but he doesn't suspect foul play.

An autopsy is scheduled for Sunday.

US singer Simone Battle took her own life on Friday, September 5, 2014 after she found dead in her Los Angeles home, reports say.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Simone was found hanging on a rod in the closet of her bedroom. Her body was found by her boyfriend.
The 25-year-old singer, who rose to fame on the US version of ‘X Factor’, was a singer in the girl group ‘G.R.L’ (a reboot of the Pussycat Dolls).
'I am so sad to hear about the news Simone Battle has passed away. She was such a fun nice person. It's such a loss. Rest in peace Simone', X Factor creator Simon Cowell wrote on his Twitter.
Battle’s autopsy has not been completed yet, L.A. County Cororner's Office says. The Autopsy will be carried out today (September 7, 2014).
The singer’s father says his daughter’s suicide has ‘stunned’ him as Simone never for once showed any signs that could raise major worry.
Weeks ago, US actor Robin Williams also committed suicide in his California home.
Boko Haram militants travel in convoys to overrun villages, towns and cities in Nigeria's Northeast

Heavily armed Islamists militants from Boko Haram today took over Michika one of the key towns in Adamawa state. The militants who seized Gulak three days ago chased out Nigerian troops and hoisted their flag in the township.

Residents fleeing the city said a Nigerian military jet flew over the area but did not attack the militants.
Some soldiers were alter mobilized to Mararaba Mubi to prevent the militants from capturing Mubi, another key city some kilometers away from Michika.
Soldiers from the 23 Brigade in Yola were told to put on their uniform and get ready to defend Mubi.

Don Jazzy said: ”The way we dey write news sometimes sef  I wonder. Just read that I bought a car of 150m and that my Bentley is 65m .I be thief?
”Upcoming artistes and producers get misled when they see stuffs like that” Don Jazzy said.

Meanwhile Don Jazzy who is loved by many for his sense of humour and generosity has been trending on social media. Reports went viral, yesterday, that the award-winning record producer, Don Jazzy died in a car accident. Don Jazzy has since debunked the rumour that he is hale and hearty.
31-year-old Don Jazzy real name Michael Collins Ajereh, from Delta is a Nigerian multiple award-winning record producer and song writer.

He was born in Umuahia, Abia State on November 26, 1982. He lived and was raised in Ajegunle, Lagos state.

Don Jazzy is also a singer. Meanwhile he recently revealed why he is still single saying: “Loving someone who doesn’t love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport.”
This writer is of the opinion that being single is not exactly a bad thing, especially if you have standards to maintain.
Being single at a certain age is frowned upon in our society, especially if you are a lady.
Family and friends will mount pressure on you to get married (to anyone) as each year passes.
What are you expected to do in such a dicey situation? Should you cave in and be dragged down the aisle by someone you are not compatible with or should you stand your ground?
Below are 8 reasons why you should remain single and feel justified by being so:
Your standards are too high! You are too selective -True. Reason being that I am looking for a life partner not a throw pillow.You need to learn how to be one of the guys, you are too much of a Barbie doll. Sorry for being myself and not interested in the premier League and wondering why Drogba is wearing a blue jersey with white boys, isn't he suppose to be in orange? Well, since you can't handle it, Adios!Most guys want a culinary goddess and you are not homely enough. How about you get your hands dirty in the kitchen whipping some ikokore, homely man.Your sense of humour is too dry. Me: Your jokes are lame! Slam dunk!"Why did you leave that guy? You should have married him." My dear do not settle, don't lower your standards for anyone or pressure. If una no connect then na network failure be that. If there is no spark, forget it. It wouldn't work on the long run and you would just end up miserable,depressed and divorced after few years. Eventually, you might not settle down with a man from your dream land but damn the chemistry would be A one.You are high maintenance. Some of us are just built that way, we can't help it if you can't afford our lifestyle, yagolono!!!You have issues. Who doesn't? if I have issues what about the man or men in question, they are as white as snow abi, flawless kwa? Sister just see yourself as a flawed but lovable human being who hasn't just met Mr right.Lastly, ladies be with a man who pops champagne when you get a promotion and spoils you silly not an insecure douche.
- Written by Taiwo Aloba (IG: Aloba_taiwo)
- Source Pulse
An unconfirmed report has claimed that the actress may be planning her second wedding secretly.
According to a report, Nollywood star actress, Funke Akindeleaka Jenifa, may be planning a hush-hush wedding which is set to hold next month.
If this turns out to be true, then it would be the celebrity's second attempt at married life, after her first marriage toKehinde Almaroof Oloyede hit the rocks in 2013.
Here is how Daily Times NG is reporting the news: 
"Once bitten, twice shy is the case of Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele, who report has it that she's planning a secret wedding with her new lover.
The actress we heard, although wants to give marriage a second thought, however, is keeping her plans hush hush to avoid another mishap.
We heard she is now engaged to this guy who stays in the UK, and the wedding will quietly hold next month.
The lucky guy we learnt, is crazy in love with Funke, showering her with loads of attention, affection and gifts.
Their affair started shortly after she left her first marriage."
The actress has not commented on this, so it's safe to say the news is just a rumour for now.
What do you think about it? Share your thoughts in the comments box below

The elderly monarch took a shopping trip with his wives and ended up being the centre of attention in the UK.

This almost looks like a reenactment of Eddie Murphy's Coming to America movie.

The Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi, travelled to the UK last week with his four wives to celebrate his 67th birthday.

The elderly monarch and his queens caused quite a stir at the Westfield Mall in London, as people's attention were drawn to the group dressed in matching blue lace attires.

Nigerians and other people who spotted the amiable monarch stopped by to pay homage to him and also take selfies.

Photo credit: LIB

Church members and other well-wishers hoping the matrimonial squabble between popular televangelist, Chris Oyakhilome and his wife, Anita, would be resolved in no time should forget it as Mrs. Oyakhilome has ruled out the possibility of ever reconciling with her estranged husband.

Speaking to PREMIUM TIMES, through her lawyers, Mrs Oyakhilome said her relationship with Pastor Chris had terribly degenerated that there is no room for any reconciliation or out-of-court settlement.

This newspaper had contacted Mrs. Oyakhilome through her lawyers, Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors, after news broke that she had filed for divorce, to enquire whether any out-of-court settlement option was being explored.
In their response Tuesday, her attorneys said there was no chance the estranged couple would ever live as husband and wife again.

“It is with great sadness that our client, Pastor Anita Oyakhilome, has come to the conclusion that her marriage to Pastor Christian Oyakhilome has irretrievably broken down and regrettably there is no hope of any reconciliation,” said Stephen Goddard, Business Development Manager of Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors.

From early this year, there had been speculation that the marriage between Mr Oyakhilome, the founder of Believers Love World (aka Christ Embassy), and his wife, who is also Vice-president of the ministry, was collapsing.

Some church members even set up a Facebook page, “Where is Rev Anita Oyakhilome”, in May dedicated to addressing the issue.

The church initially denied reports that the couple were estranged and possibly divorcing.

But TheCable news website reported on August 29 that Mrs. Oyakhilome had filed for divorce since April 9, accusing Pastor Chris, as he is fondly called by his followers, of “adultery” and “unreasonable behavior”.

Pastor Chris has denied the allegations. He however warned church members against analyzing his problem with his wife adding that the church is not a political party.

He said his wife is a bitter and angry woman who is being influenced by bad friends who are out to seek his downfall.

The pastor added that most pastors’ wives usually think they are equal to their husbands after they get married.

He said his wife wanted to overpower the authorities of the elders she met when she joined the Christian ministry.

As the divorce battle rages, Mrs. Oyakhilome’s profile has been pulled down from the church’s website.

Sources: Saharareporters

John Obi Mikel reeled teammates to great laughter after arriving camp with gloves, he says they are his weapon against Ebola
Ahead of the country’s AFCON qualifier this Saturday against Congo in Calabar, Chelsea midfielder John Obi Mikel arrived at Abuja camp of the team to the surprise of everyone with hands suited in gloves
The fear of Ebola has spread in so much that Mikel with not just one but several, which he says, are his weapon to fight the Virus
According to, Mikel told the coach Stephen Keshi: “Coach I have up to four hand gloves and if you don’t mind, I can hand one pair to you.”
Expectedly, the camp is buoyed with a vibrant spirit, even with the absence of number goalie Enyeama who announced that he will not be taking part in the game.
Ogenyi Onazi, Ahmed Musa, Efe Ambrose, Kenneth Omeruo, Juwon Oshaniwa, Sone Aluko, Austin Ejide and 10 others are already in camp while the rest are expected before the team embarks on its first training session.