Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts

In this article, 8 husbands share on how they knew they had found the woman they wanted to spend forever with.

Every couple's love story features a series of moments: the first date, the first kiss, the first fight, and of course those first feelings of love. But how exactly do couples go from "in love" to "I do"?
A Reddit thread popped up on Monday, asking married men to tell the story of the exact moment they knew their wife was The One.
Read on for 8 super sweet anecdotes and tell us yours in the comments.
When she became his rock: "My Dad had just died, and I went to his funeral a state over around five hours away. So I'm sitting there alone in my hotel room and my girlfriend calls me to see how I'm doing and I say I'm fine when I'm really torn up inside. I was unable to sleep and at around 4 am I get a knock on the hotel door ... I looked through the window and instantly started crying. My girlfriend had driven five hours in the middle of the night because she knew I was having a hard time."When he realized she supported him unconditionally: "The first night we met, I was unemployed and she was far too attractive for me. When I reluctantly told her about my employment situation, she calmly responded 'Well it looks like I'm buying your drinks for the night then!'. I knew she was something special, a year later I asked her to marry me. We've been together 10 years and have two kids. She stays at home and now I buy her drinks."The moment "forever" sounded like a good idea: After our first date, I remember thinking 'I want to spend as much time with this woman as I can.' We were married four months later. Still married ten years later."When she stuck by him in sickness and in health: "I was hospitalized with a broken hip and she refused to leave my side through four days in the hospital. This was after my mother had passed away earlier in the year. That was the moment I realized that she was the one and have been together ever since."The moment he realized he was truly loved: "When her car was damaged in a parking lot while under my care (not at fault) and her first words to me upon seeing the damage were 'Are you ok?' That moment when you discover the woman you're dating cares more for you than an expensive inanimate object is the moment you know."When his woman was willing to sacrifice anything to help him: "We were on our way to a dinner thing. I had to stop and get air for the tires, and it started to rain -- hard. She spent three hours in the bathroom getting ready, and she got out of the car and put a hoodie on, and held the flashlight for me."There were no reasons not to love her: "My very good friend at the time asked me, 'Then why don't you marry her?' I couldn't come up with a single reason not to. We just celebrated our seven year anniversary today."When even so-called "bad" moments became memories: "We were waiting for the rain to stop after we had finished buying groceries. It was pouring rain, and I thought it would be great to run in the rain. I turned to my GF and was about to ask her when she asked me if I wanted to run in the rain. We walked to the car getting soaked together laughing."

Source: Pulse

Omawumi gets a ring after years of secretly dating baby daddy Toyin Yusuf
Omawumi is engaged!
The award winning singer is finally getting a ring on her middle finger after years of dating baby daddy Toyin Yusuf  with whom she shares a daughter, Emmanuella Kamillah Yusuf .
According to reports, Yusuf popped the question today, September 8 and Omawumi answered yes.
"Yes it's true, I can confirm", Omawumi's manager Sunday Are told in a telephone conversation.
Just last month, we revealed Omawumi's secret baby daddy as one-time owner of the defunct Zamunda night club in Lagos. We aslo suggested a wedding was on the way soon.
Well, looks like we didnt have to wait that long!
Check out her rock on the right. Big big congrats to them. See a picture of Toyin Yusuf below...
Archbishop Emeritus of Lagos, Anthony Cardinal Okogie in a recent interview with Vanguard, reprimanded the divorce saga going on between Pastors Chris and Anita Oyakhilome which he described as ‘disturbing’.
According to him, when pastors refuse to honor the vows they took at the altar of God, what do they expect from the ordinary members of their congregation?
He further stated that “When the going was good, they took vows on the altar of God to stay together in sickness and in health, until death do them part. They promise to make one another faithful partner in the presence of God, their family and friends and vow to be each others faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. They promise to love one another unconditionally, to support each other, honor and respect and cherish themselves for as long as they both shall live.”
Asked what the development portrays for the Church of God, the cardinal replied with a question
“What Church are you talking about?.
It is not good. Are they true pastors? Good shepherds of the Lord are expected to do everything to shepherd their flock including their spouses even when they err. If God forgave us in spite of our filth, why can any man who is truly called pastor not forgive any malfeasance?”
Okogie however, blamed the Corporate Affairs Commission, CAC, which registers every organization which goes about deceiving people in the name of church, noting that there are several “useless” institutions that have been registered churches which are currently painting the Church of God in bad light.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has finally responded somewhat to the allegations made by wife Anita.
The pastor talked about the whole issue during the church’s monthly global communion service, saying that he was a man of God and not a preacher, and that the allegations were crazy.
“I heard that some media houses – especially in Nigeria – are writing some things against me. All sorts of frivolous charges, that’s crazy,” he said. “You have to understand something about a man of God. A man of God is not just someone who worships God or preaches God. A man of God is handpicked by God, set on course by God. If you study the scriptures, you will not find one man of God go against God, sinning against God. “The only things you might find will be a man of God, maybe in two different kinds of ways. Moses, for example; when he struck the rock twice, [he] was provoked by the anger of the people. [It was] not because he wanted to do something against the Lord. No man of God does something against the Lord. “Are you hearing me? A man of God is set on a course; there is a type of life that he is given. Then you have a young man, a young prophet; he wasn’t named; he was deceived by another man of God and so he went in a direction that God said ‘don’t go’. “That is the only kind of thing you find about a man of God when he misses the message of God or he acts beyond what God said. But a man of God settles himself in the fight against the world… like those writing those silly things about me, that I did this and I did that. “You don’t know who a man of God is. I don’t go in that direction. I wasn’t accused of the things you said, nor did I commit those silly things that you said and I don’t need to go into that level in such discussions.
Jesus Christ was accused by many – a lot of frivolous charges. There will always be those who would like for it to be true. But you know, in spite of the accusations against Jesus, It didn’t change who he was. It didn’t change him. “There are preachers and there are men of God. I am not a preacher; I am a man of God and I go in the way I’m asked to go. It may cause some troubles with individuals but that’s not because I have done something wrong and when it comes to Reverend Anita, what I will say to you is ‘pray for her’. “Don’t act like those people. If you are married to a man of God, it doesn’t make you automatically mature. You can make mistakes; you can do something that is wrong. But some people expect the wife of a minister to definitely be at the level of that minister and so they may be looked upon and the expectation may be like that, but it’s a positional thing. “If a man of God is married, it doesn’t automatically mean that the wife of a man of God is therefore a woman of God. That’s not the way it is in the Bible.
That’s why you don’t really find the wives of men of God mentioned in the Bible. How many of them? Who was Peter’s wife, did you ever know her name? You never find that out. Who was John’s wife? Did you ever read the name? What about all the other Apostles? How many of their names are written in the Bible. You never find their names.” At this point, one of the female pastors sought to know why the names of wives of the men of God were not found in the Bible. Oyakhilome’s response was that she should ask God whenever she finds him. “Why? You ask God when you find him. Ask God when you find him,” he exclaimed. “So, they are little things; don’t try to make something big out of them. So when journeying, doing the things that God called us to do, Christians should not have a divorce; it shouldn’t be but you see, that doesn’t mean a Christian may not take the step. “They may do it but [they] have to make things right and we shouldn’t take one another to court. But when it happens, not that we don’t just want to go, it means someone is taking us there. That’s a problem, but be wise and stay focused in the word of God and don’t let those who want to feast on things like this, including Christians… “There are Christians who like things like this; they want to make something big out of this: ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, we said it’. You said what? Judge nothing before the time. Be wise. Glory to God. “So we are not working in sin and living in sin and hoping that we can mix sin and righteousness together. We are the manifestation of his righteousness. We walk in that light only, and that’s the way it’s gonna be.”

The crash of the marriage between Chris & Anita Oyakhilome has been widely reported after Anita requested for a divorce.

According to ThisDaywho claimed to have obtained a copy of Anita’s divorce petition, the reverend is filing for the divorce on the grounds on unresaonable behaviors on the part oh her husband. Read the statement below.

“The wife has discussed with the husband his inappropriate relationship with some of his female staff members. She has explained that this has given her cause for concern. The husband has minimised her worries and taken no step to alleviate her grievances.”

“The wife submits that her marriage to the husband has irretrievably broken down and there is no hope of reconciliation. The wife will submit that it is the husband’s unreasonable behaviours which have led to this.

“The husband and the wife are both Pastors. The husband undertakes his work, in the main, in South Africa and Nigeria. The wife lives in the United Kingdom. The wife will say that they have lived separately for 16 years and over this time have drifted apart. The wife has come to realise that the husband will only visit the UK for annual church programmes that he holds rather than to be with this wife. The wife feels that he has been unavailable as a father to their children during their developing years.

“The wife feels that their marriage suffered under the pressure of their work. They would rarely spend time together due to the husband unavailability. Special occasions such as Christmas, Birthdays and family occasions and anniversaries past them by and their rarely spent any time together as a family as the husband was more devoted to his work than he was to them.

“The wife feels that she has been used to portray and enhance the husband’s image as a family man when the reality is that there is no existing relationship between them. She feels that she has been present for official functions simply for his convenience. On occasions she has been copied into his travel itinerary which has been given to him by his staff on a need to know basis.
“The wife has tried to discuss her concerns with the husband. He claims that she is carnal and he is insensitive to her feelings and her needs.”

“As a result of the husband’s attitude to their marriage, the wife will say that he is virtually not recognised as a married man in the ministry. His teachings and beliefs on marriage is that the husband is a master and a controller and the wife will say that his concept of biblical; submission is so extreme that it is impossible for her to meet his expectations. She feels humiliated by the way he treats her in the presence of his close female staff members and she feels that she has been taken for granted which has become unbearably stressful for her.

“The wife will say that the relationship with  the husband is non-existent to the point that his itinerary which was announced  publicly at the beginning of the year had no provision for time with his family. His staff members who travel with him organise both his personal and professional life without any input from her. The wife will say that she is treated with disregard almost like akin to an intruder.

“The wife feels that she has been mentally, physically and emotionally deprived of the experience of a marital relationship. She feels that the husband has persistently judged her  and his communication with her has been unduly harsh. The wife knows that he was hard to please and has been extremely critical.

“The wife reserves the right to expand on all of these particulars if the divorce petition is defended.”

A man and woman set to be joined in holy matrimony in Enugu were, yesterday, shot dead by gunmen suspected to be cult members.

According to Vanguard, Three other persons including the manager of a filling station were shot dead during the sporadic shooting by the unknown assailants who had laid siege on Abakpa and Trans-Ekulu area of Enugu.

The incident occurred Friday night at a filling station close to Dhamija Bridge opposite Our Lord’s Chosen Church, Trans-Ekulu on the Enugu-Onitsha Expressway.Sources said the gunmen trailed the couple, who were finalizing arrangements for their wedding yesterday, to the filling station where they were said to be buying fuel.

The gunmen were said to have, on arrival at the station, shot sporadically at the bride and groom who were in their car buying fuel and they reportedly died on the spot.The manager of the filling station, a pump attendant and another person buying fuel at the time were also shot dead by the gunmen who immediately thereafter fled in their waiting vehicle.

It's widely believed that people who smoke pot are peaceful and not violent. Now, a new study is showing that couples that smoke together have less domestic violence incidents! Join Laci as she discusses why this might be.
The non-violent, pot-smoking hippie stereotype might be more than just a stereotype: In the first of its kind study recently published in the journal, "Psychology of Addictive Behaviors", researchers in the University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions and Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) interviewed 638 married heterosexual couples during the first nine years of their marriage. The two data points in particular from their study that showed an interesting relationship was that couples that smoked pot more showed lower instances of domestic violence.
The study was funded in part by the National Institute for Drug Abuse, an institution well-known for it's strong position against recreational marijuana use. More precisely, the study found that the couples who identified as smoking pot the most frequently within the group (at least several times a month) predicted less frequent "intimate partner violence" (IPV) perpetration by husbands.
Although proponents of marijuana might want to say this shows that pot usage makes you more peaceful, researchers point to several reasons why this pattern might exist: Couples that smoke together are more likely to share core values and social circles. The study speculates on another possibility: "It is possible, for example, that -- similar to a drinking partnership -- couples who use marijuana together may share similar values and social circles, and it is this similarity that is responsible for reducing the likelihood of conflict."
As support for marijuana legalization continues to grow in the U.S., this study might be the catalyst for more research on the drug's long term effects on people. Have you ever smoked pot with someone you were dating, and if so, did you find that it brought you closer together? Please share you experiences in the comments section below!

Sources: Testube
He recently sent out a statement through his lawyer Mr. Kemi Pinheiro (SAN) stating that the accusations of adultery against him are ‘false and malicious’ and he will not hesitate to sue journalists who publish matters between him and his wife. 
An unconfirmed report has claimed that the actress may be planning her second wedding secretly.
According to a report, Nollywood star actress, Funke Akindeleaka Jenifa, may be planning a hush-hush wedding which is set to hold next month.
If this turns out to be true, then it would be the celebrity's second attempt at married life, after her first marriage toKehinde Almaroof Oloyede hit the rocks in 2013.
Here is how Daily Times NG is reporting the news: 
"Once bitten, twice shy is the case of Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele, who report has it that she's planning a secret wedding with her new lover.
The actress we heard, although wants to give marriage a second thought, however, is keeping her plans hush hush to avoid another mishap.
We heard she is now engaged to this guy who stays in the UK, and the wedding will quietly hold next month.
The lucky guy we learnt, is crazy in love with Funke, showering her with loads of attention, affection and gifts.
Their affair started shortly after she left her first marriage."
The actress has not commented on this, so it's safe to say the news is just a rumour for now.
What do you think about it? Share your thoughts in the comments box below

The Koko Master is rumoured to have popped the question after his ladylove flaunted her huge diamond ring.

If these new photos are anything to go by, then it seems Dapo Daniel Oyebanjo aka D'banj may have finally popped the question to his pretty sweetheart, Adama Indimi.

Adama and D'banj have been flaunting their relationship to all who cared to see, and insiders claimed that the pair may be heading to the altar very soon.

The light-skinned beauty posted a picture on her Instagram handle with a suspicious bling on her ring finger, sparking rumours of an engagement.

Adama, the daughter of billionaire, Alhaji Mohammed Indimi is said to be gradually warming up to the Oyebanjo family, even attending the 61st birthday ceremony of D'banj's mother.

Could it be that the Koko Master who was rumoured to have dated Nollywood actress, Genevieve Nnaji, has finally proposed and is now officially off the market?

Time will tell

The elderly monarch took a shopping trip with his wives and ended up being the centre of attention in the UK.

This almost looks like a reenactment of Eddie Murphy's Coming to America movie.

The Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi, travelled to the UK last week with his four wives to celebrate his 67th birthday.

The elderly monarch and his queens caused quite a stir at the Westfield Mall in London, as people's attention were drawn to the group dressed in matching blue lace attires.

Nigerians and other people who spotted the amiable monarch stopped by to pay homage to him and also take selfies.

Photo credit: LIB

Church members and other well-wishers hoping the matrimonial squabble between popular televangelist, Chris Oyakhilome and his wife, Anita, would be resolved in no time should forget it as Mrs. Oyakhilome has ruled out the possibility of ever reconciling with her estranged husband.

Speaking to PREMIUM TIMES, through her lawyers, Mrs Oyakhilome said her relationship with Pastor Chris had terribly degenerated that there is no room for any reconciliation or out-of-court settlement.

This newspaper had contacted Mrs. Oyakhilome through her lawyers, Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors, after news broke that she had filed for divorce, to enquire whether any out-of-court settlement option was being explored.
In their response Tuesday, her attorneys said there was no chance the estranged couple would ever live as husband and wife again.

“It is with great sadness that our client, Pastor Anita Oyakhilome, has come to the conclusion that her marriage to Pastor Christian Oyakhilome has irretrievably broken down and regrettably there is no hope of any reconciliation,” said Stephen Goddard, Business Development Manager of Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors.

From early this year, there had been speculation that the marriage between Mr Oyakhilome, the founder of Believers Love World (aka Christ Embassy), and his wife, who is also Vice-president of the ministry, was collapsing.

Some church members even set up a Facebook page, “Where is Rev Anita Oyakhilome”, in May dedicated to addressing the issue.

The church initially denied reports that the couple were estranged and possibly divorcing.

But TheCable news website reported on August 29 that Mrs. Oyakhilome had filed for divorce since April 9, accusing Pastor Chris, as he is fondly called by his followers, of “adultery” and “unreasonable behavior”.

Pastor Chris has denied the allegations. He however warned church members against analyzing his problem with his wife adding that the church is not a political party.

He said his wife is a bitter and angry woman who is being influenced by bad friends who are out to seek his downfall.

The pastor added that most pastors’ wives usually think they are equal to their husbands after they get married.

He said his wife wanted to overpower the authorities of the elders she met when she joined the Christian ministry.

As the divorce battle rages, Mrs. Oyakhilome’s profile has been pulled down from the church’s website.

Sources: Saharareporters