Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
The world’s second richest man has committed to spend $50 million on the fight against Ebola in West Africa

Billionaire, Bill Gates, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is set to spend $50 million on the fight against Ebola.
This was announced yesterday, September 10, 2014, by the organization’s President of Global Development, Chris Elias.
The money will reportedly be used, along with an earlier set-aside sum of $10 million, to support emergency response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
Elias said:
"It became clear to us over the last 7 to 10 days that the pace and scope of the epidemic was increasing significantly,"
The foundation has said that the donated funds will go to the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and international organizations involved in fighting transmission of the virus.
Ebola has claimed over 2000 lives this year in an outbreak that has been described by the WHO as the worst ever.
I knew this already! Nigerian movie producers seem to take advantage of every situation in the country to make a movie out of it and now, they have started making movies on the dreaded Ebola Virus disease.
It was just a matter of time before heartless Nigerian movie producers who, for the lack of depth, take advantage of every situation to come out with some run of the mills movie. And just like we predicted, they have latched onto the outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease in the country to come out with a movie on it.
Just like they did with the unfortunate killing of four students of the University of Port Harcourt by the Aluu Community and the kidnapping of female students of the Government Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State, by the BokoHaram sect, a movie production outfit, Times Gate Production International, has come out with a movie entitled Ebola, apparently on the dreaded EVD.
Is this a case what is called in local parlance, 'Naija no dey carry last?
In the month of September, The musician who recently lost his Father to the scourge of the disease has partnered with CECP-Nigeria (Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy) to inform Nigerians about the disease.

Nigerian Music Legend, Innocent "2Face" Idibia has lent his voice to the prevention of Prostate Cancer in Nigeria. In the month of September, The musician who recently lost his Father to the scourge of the disease has partnered with CECP-Nigeria (Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy) to inform Nigerians about the disease. The month of September has been air marked as the "Prostate Cancer Awareness Month".

In a courtesy call paid by the group to 2Face Idibia at The 960 Music Group's Office in Lagos, Nigeria, 2Face (who is an ambassador for the group) promised to lend all the support he can to the group. A spokesman for the group who consoled the star on the death of his father, was excited about the collaboration and hoped that many more Nigerians would become aware of the disease and ways to curb it.
The group plans to deploy Mobile Cancer Centres (MCC) which would take holistic health promotion to the grassroots of Nigeria.

To mark Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, there shall be FREE PROSTATE CANCER SCREENING at the National Cancer Prevention Programme (NCPP) centre at 30 Ishaga Road, Surulere, Lagos. This will hold on Saturdays September 13th and 20th, 2014 from 2 pm each day.
Anyone may contribute towards the Mobile Cancer Centre project by giving via an ATM or online at using the code ‘777526’.

Interested participants should register by sending their full name, email address and preferred date of attendance as an sms to the short code: 44777 from any of the major mobile networks.
The Ebola outbreak is currently being faced in 6 African countries and researchers say there could be more

A new Oxford University model has attempted to make sense of the current Ebola outbreak due to the fact that the disease had never been witnessed in West Africa before now.
The model, published in the journal eLife, suggests that “Ebola's animal reservoir, fruit bats, could spread the disease in the animal kingdom and to humans through the dense forest that spans 22 countries.”
These African countries are mostly at risk because of their consumption of bats, monkeys and other animals as "bush meat".
The consumption of cooked bush meat is not likely to cause infection but the preparation of the raw meat increases the likelihood of contracting the disease.
According to the Oxford prediction, these countries are at risk of animal-to-human transmission of Ebola by virtue of their geography:
  1. Nigeria
  2. Cameroon
  3. Central African Republic
  4. Ghana
  5. Liberia
  6. Sierra Leone
  7. Angola
  8. Togo
  9. United Republic of Tanzania
  10. Ethiopia
  11. Mozambique
  12. Burundi
  13. Equatorial Guinea
  14. Madagascar
  15. Malawi.
The author of the study, Nick Golding, a researcher at Oxford University’s Department of Zoology said:
"Our map shows the likely ‘reservoir’ of Ebola virus in animal populations, and this is larger than has been previously appreciated,"
"This does not mean that transmission to humans is inevitable in these areas; only that all the environmental and epidemiological conditions suitable for an outbreak occur there.’"


The Nigerian Health Minister has said that a new case of Ebola has been confirmed in Lagos

A new case of the Ebola disease has been confirmed in Lagos, Minister of Health, Onyebuchi Chukwu said.
Professor Chukwu disclosed this at a press conference held yesterday, September 8, 2014 while also saying that the sister of late Port Harcourt doctor, Iyke Enemuo had been discharged.
The new patient is said to be the fiancé of someone who made primary contact with index case, Patrick Sawyer.
The Minister also said that Enemuo's wife is responding to treatment and will soon be discharged. Enemuo contracted the disease after secretly treating an infected ECOWAS diplomat in Port harcourt.
The development was also revealed via Twitter by the minister's Special Assistant on Media and Communication, Dan Nwomeh.
Mr. Nwomeh shared some of the highlights of the press conference through a series of tweets. Read below:
Wife of late PH doctor on treatment in isolatn ward in Lag no longer has #EVD symptoms, undergoing series of tests preparatory to discharge
Of 11 #Ebola survivors in Nigeria, 9 managed sucesfuly by mgt team & discharged, 1 treated by late doctor, latest Lagos case also survived
Nigeria current EVD status Sept 8 Total confirmed cases 19 - 7 dead, 11 survivors, 1 under treatment in Lagos. No more #Ebola patient in PH
Minister of Health:  only 1 #Ebola patient now under treatment in Nigeria.  Patient, wife of late PH is recovering & will be discharged soon
Minister of Health again dispels rumours of #Ebola cases in many states including Kebbi Kaduna Lagos FCT Oyo Ebonyi Delta & Sokoto
Port Harcourt has total of 477 currently under surveillance,  5 have been discharged after completing 21 days observation
Total of 339 contacts previously on surveillance released after completing 21 days of observation
Total number of contacts of EVD currently under surveillance in Lagos has reduced to 27
Another #Ebola patient in Nigeria has been successfully managed & discharged.  She is sister of late PH doctor & was treated in PH
19th case of EVD in Nigeria is fiancé of a primary contact of Sawyer in Lagos who has made full recovery
Total number of confirmed cases now 19th, with total number of deaths still 7 while there are now 10 survivors of EVD in Nigeria so far
Minister of Health briefing d press on latest developments on #Ebola Virus Disease in Nigeria
Minister of Health to brief d press this morning on status of #Ebola Virus Disease in Nigeria. Venue is 6th Floor FMOH Abuja @ 10 am
The First Consultant Hospital in Obalende, Lagos, where Patrick Sawyer died, has reportedly been cleared for re-opening
The Federal Government has approved the re-opening of the First Consultant Medical Centre in Obalende, where late Dr. Stella Adadevoh worked and Liberian-American, Patrick Sawyer died.
The hospital was shut after Sawyer arrived Nigeria with Ebola and was treated there. He also died in the hospital on July 25.
The FG has reportedly issued a Certification of Decontamination to the hospital and given them permission to re-open for business.
The hospital is said to have received a letter each from the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) and the Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris, and has now gotten the all clear after undergoing three rounds of a state-certified decontamination process.
The Lagos state government reportedly issued a statement saying:

 “The Ministry is in receipt of a letter dated August 29, 2014, from the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, Ebola Emergency Centre, Lagos, informing that your facility has had three rounds of state-certified decontamination process.
“The Ministry acknowledges the role your facility played in alerting the State Government of the index case of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and appreciates your altruistic gestures in containing and managing this deadly virus, thus preventing an epidemic.
“We also commiserate with you on your members of staff who died in the line of duty.
“First Consultants has now been cleared to reopen for business. We hope that with this reopening, your facility will continue to maintain its high quality of standards”,
British military engineers and medics are being sent to Sierra Leone to help fight the world's largest-ever outbreak of Ebola.
They will set up and run a treatment centre near the capital Freetown.
The World Health Organization says more than 2,000 people have now died in the outbreak in West Africa.
Last week, the charity Medecins Sans Frontieres called for a global military intervention in the region.
It said the global response to the outbreak had been "lethally inadequate" with countries turning their back on West Africa and merely reducing the risk of Ebola arriving on their shores.
The UK has announced it will build a centre with 50 beds for people in Sierra Leone and 12 beds for healthcare workers who become ill.
The proposed site will be surveyed this week, with the healthcare worker section of the facility scheduled to be running within eight weeks.
Yesterday, President Obama said the US military would set up isolation units and provide security for public health workers
Ebola casualties
Up to 5 September
Ebola deaths - probable, confirmed and suspected
1,089 Liberia
517 Guinea
491 Sierra Leone
8 Nigeria
Source: WHO
International Development Secretary Justine Greening said: "The scale of the problem requires the entire international community to do more to assist the affected countries which is why the UK is working with the government of Sierra Leone to build a new medical treatment facility near their capital Freetown.
"When it is up and running it will enable the UK to provide medical care for local and international health workers, as well as treatment for the wider population."
The UK government has committed £25m to tackling the outbreak, including running trials for an Ebola vaccine.
The charity Save the Children will eventually take over management of the treatment centre.
Its chief executive, Justin Forsyth, said: "Ebola threatens thousands of people's lives across West Africa and could set back development many decades.
"The key to combating this epidemic is backing front line health workers and underpinning a fractured health system in Sierra Leone.
"Without urgent action to assist medics, many more children and their families will suffer and die from this most appalling and tragic disease."
Ebola virus disease (EVD)
Symptoms include high fever, bleeding and central nervous system damageSpread by body fluids, such as blood and salivaFatality rate can reach 90% - but current outbreak has mortality rate of about 55%Incubation period is two to 21 daysThere is no proven vaccine or cureSupportive care such as rehydrating patients who have diarrhoea and vomiting can help recoveryFruit bats, a delicacy for some West Africans, are considered to be virus's natural host

The Nigerian Medical Association has faulted the government’s instruction for all schools to resume September 22
Nigerian Doctors, under the aegis of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), have reportedly expressed displeasure at the new resumption date for primary and secondary schools announced by the Federal Government.
The government has said that students can now resume on September 22 as against October 12 after schools were shut indefinitely over the outbreak of Ebola in the country.
However, the NMA through its National Secretary-General, Dr. Olawunmi Alayaki,  has said that the schools are supposed to remain closed until there’s no case of Ebola (suspected or confirmed) left in the country.
The organization said:
 “We are not happy with this decision on the resumption of schools. Schools should be shut till the last suspected case or patient is certified free of the virus,” the NMA said.
 “ We can shift the resumption date till next year or in the next three months if that is the time it will take. Government should have enough time to follow the standard procedure for containing   the virus.
“Parents have no reason to be   in a hurry because if Ebola should enter any school, it will assume another dimension. Children cannot survive isolation like adults.
“Nigeria is peculiar because of her large population and we should be pragmatic and proactive. It   will not augur well for the country if we have another outbreak due to carelessness.”

Comedian Joan Rivers lost her life after having an apparently minor elective procedure at a Manhattan medical clinic last week.

The routine surgery was on her throat, according to the New York Fire Department. She apparently suffered cardiac and respiratory arrest during the procedure at Yorkville Endoscopy. She was transferred by ambulance to Mount Sinai Hospital and died on Thursday.

The outpatient clinic is now being investigated by the New York State Department of Health, according to its spokesperson, James O'Hara.

No criminal investigation is under way, according to several New York law enforcement officials. The state health department is investigating whether there was any malpractice by the doctors and their staff, the same officials said.

Rivers' autopsy was inconclusive, the medical examiner's office said.

The routine nature of the surgery has left some asking how it could have killed her.

Doctors say just because a surgery is called routine or elective doesn't necessarily mean it is simple.

"Elective typically just means it is something you can plan ahead of time, as opposed to emergency surgery where you need to get someone in right away," said Dr. John Sweeney, chairman of the department of surgery at Emory University in Atlanta.

When Sweeney talks to his patients about surgery he explains that there are always risks involved.

There could be complications due to bleeding or infection during the procedure. Or there could be specific risks related to the type of operation.

Endoscopy usually refers to an evaluation of the esophagus or GI tract, according to Dr. Joel Zivot. Zivot is an assistant professor of anesthesiology and surgery at Emory University School of Medicine.

He said sometimes patients will have these procedures so doctors can evaluate their vocal cords.

Endoscopy is normally done under general anesthetic. Operating on the vocal cords is trickier, because a tube that would normally help someone breathe during such a procedure couldn't go across the vocal cords. To tolerate that kind of evaluation, Zivot said, someone would need to be in a deep unconscious state.

The center has not released the specifics about the kind of procedure Rivers had, so it is unclear if she would have had a simple anesthetic spray on the throat or something where the airway was compromised.

"People have endoscopy safely every day in this country," Zivot said. "Generally speaking, it's well tolerated."

There can be risk with surgery if someone has any kind of underlying health problem.

In the initial surgery consult, Sweeney said he always asks patients: Do they smoke? Do they have diabetes? Do they have heart problems or lung disease?

Essentially, do they have any kind of physical problem that would put them at an increased risk for complications?

"Some doctors will throw in age as a risk, but I would call that 'chronological age,' because I have some 51-year-old patients that are physically in much worse shape than someone who is much older," Sweeney said.

"She is not someone you look at and say 'that woman looks frail,'" said Dr. Jonathan Flacker.

Flacker, also at Emory, sees a number of older patients in the geriatrics department. Neither he nor Sweeney treated Rivers.

"She was vibrant and engaged and great at intelligent conversation, everything someone would want to be when they are older," Flacker said.

But he added, older people, no matter how energetic they appear, do have an inherent age-related disadvantage when it comes to surgery.

When people get older they have less of what doctors call repertoire and reserve. That means their older body and brain lose some ability to cope with stress.

"Older people tend to lose their repertoire and their ability to cope with stress through a variety of reasons and not all of them relate to a disease state. They come along with age for everyone," Flacker said. Surgery of any kind, he said, is a real stress on the body. That's what makes surgery riskier for older people.

Source: CNN

It's widely believed that people who smoke pot are peaceful and not violent. Now, a new study is showing that couples that smoke together have less domestic violence incidents! Join Laci as she discusses why this might be.
The non-violent, pot-smoking hippie stereotype might be more than just a stereotype: In the first of its kind study recently published in the journal, "Psychology of Addictive Behaviors", researchers in the University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions and Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) interviewed 638 married heterosexual couples during the first nine years of their marriage. The two data points in particular from their study that showed an interesting relationship was that couples that smoked pot more showed lower instances of domestic violence.
The study was funded in part by the National Institute for Drug Abuse, an institution well-known for it's strong position against recreational marijuana use. More precisely, the study found that the couples who identified as smoking pot the most frequently within the group (at least several times a month) predicted less frequent "intimate partner violence" (IPV) perpetration by husbands.
Although proponents of marijuana might want to say this shows that pot usage makes you more peaceful, researchers point to several reasons why this pattern might exist: Couples that smoke together are more likely to share core values and social circles. The study speculates on another possibility: "It is possible, for example, that -- similar to a drinking partnership -- couples who use marijuana together may share similar values and social circles, and it is this similarity that is responsible for reducing the likelihood of conflict."
As support for marijuana legalization continues to grow in the U.S., this study might be the catalyst for more research on the drug's long term effects on people. Have you ever smoked pot with someone you were dating, and if so, did you find that it brought you closer together? Please share you experiences in the comments section below!

Sources: Testube
John Obi Mikel reeled teammates to great laughter after arriving camp with gloves, he says they are his weapon against Ebola
Ahead of the country’s AFCON qualifier this Saturday against Congo in Calabar, Chelsea midfielder John Obi Mikel arrived at Abuja camp of the team to the surprise of everyone with hands suited in gloves
The fear of Ebola has spread in so much that Mikel with not just one but several, which he says, are his weapon to fight the Virus
According to, Mikel told the coach Stephen Keshi: “Coach I have up to four hand gloves and if you don’t mind, I can hand one pair to you.”
Expectedly, the camp is buoyed with a vibrant spirit, even with the absence of number goalie Enyeama who announced that he will not be taking part in the game.
Ogenyi Onazi, Ahmed Musa, Efe Ambrose, Kenneth Omeruo, Juwon Oshaniwa, Sone Aluko, Austin Ejide and 10 others are already in camp while the rest are expected before the team embarks on its first training session.